Good News

Last week I went for the 2nd in a series of 3 “gel” injections to relieve the pain of a torn meniscus in my left knee. I struck up a conversation with the nurse who was prepping the knee. Even though we were on opposite ends of the political spectrum, we were able to have a sane, friendly discussion. We agreed there was too much discord & bad news in the world every day. We resolved to both come with “good news” when I was in for my final injection in the series.

Yesterday I arrived for that last injection thinking she would have forgotten our talk. First thing she said was, “What’s your good news?” I told her how my granddaughter was at that moment in the hospital awaiting the arrival of my first great grandson. She smiled and pulled out her phone to show me a picture of her granddaughter who had arrived four days earlier!!

There is good news in this world. Let’s hope these two young ones, born within 4 days each other, help make this planet even better!


Maddox Cash Morris – June 1, 2023


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